Your Profile / Reset Password

You must be a Suntreckers member to view the content on this page. If you are an existing Suntreckers website user, please login.

New users may register below. When you are a member as one of a couple, please use the email address used with your Suntreckers Membership Account when the first partner registers for the website.

After registration, when you make a posting in the forum, your username will be displayed to other Suntrecker members. If this is an issue for you, please choose your username carefully. It is not possible to change usernames after registration.


Note:  Any changes / amendments made to your information here are used on the website only ie the data populates the boxes when using online booking. Changes here DO NOT get passed on to the membership secretary to update the membership database. Please notify the Membership Secretary directly of any changes using email mem.sec”at” (replacing “at” with @) or Click Here

New Registrations: you cannot register for access to the website if you are not already a Suntrecker Member and have a valid membership number. Any registration requests without a valid rmembership number will be discarded.


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